Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)

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The Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) at Charles Sturt University is designed for those who already hold an approved undergraduate degree, and provides you with the initial teacher education to qualify to teach one or more subjects to secondary students and support their social, emotional, intellectual and physical development.

Available online, you can successfully complete the course in just two years of full-time study to become a nationally qualified secondary school teacher. Placements can be done within 60 minutes from where you live, Australia wide, and a selection of subjects are offered in Session 3 so you can either fast-track your degree or spread your study commitments across the year, adding further study option flexibility in achieving your qualification.

This course has an early application closing date. Learn more.

If you’re an Initial Teacher Education (ITE) student commencing a full-time teaching degree in 2025, you could be eligible for financial support from the Australian Government. Through the Commonwealth Teaching Scholarships Program, you could receive up to $40,000 over four years to cover the cost of your study!
Find out more.

This course is part of an articulated program of study. Articulated programs allow you to build on your study to achieve the right level of qualification for you.

    Selection rank:


    Entry score

    View the entry requirements for this course.

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    Key information

    Selection rank:


    Entry score

    View the entry requirements for this course.

    Study mode and sessions

    Next session start: March 3, 2025
    Session 1 : March 3, 2025


    Minimum time - 2 year(s)
    Maximum time - 4 year(s)

    Entry score


    Indicative fees

    Domestic online
    Commonwealth grant scheme (CGS):

    Full-time - $4,608.00 pa
    Part-time - $2,304.00 pa

    Course points and codes

    Credit Points: 192
    AQF: Level 7

    Additional information

    • Professionally accredited course
    • Course specific scholarship
    • Commonwealth supported places available
    • Workplace learning subjects

    Why study with us?

    As a graduate of the Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary), you'll be qualified to teach high school subjects related to the curriculum method studied (major), based on your previous tertiary study. You may add a second teaching area (minor) if you have completed the appropriate undergraduate study, as well as a second curriculum method subject and related professional experience placement.

    Study that works for you

    You can study online, full-time or part-time, to accommodate your work and lifestyle commitments.

    Join a vibrant academic community

    Our teaching staff have made substantial contributions to research, policy and curriculum development.

    Gain practical experience while you study

    With a total of 60 days of professional experience placements across the course, this will ensure you will have gained significant professional experience by the time you successfully complete your degree.

    Dedicated support

    Benefit from friendly, personalised support and academic assistance, including interaction with your subject coordinator throughout your work placements.

    Take your study further

    If you are interested in an advanced level of study, you may apply for entry to the Master of Teaching (Secondary) if you have achieved a Grade Point Average of 4.0 or above in your first year of the course.

    Professional Accreditation

    This course is professionally accredited by -

    • NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)

    Please refer to the Charles Sturt Professional Accreditation resource for specific information and a link to the accreditation body.

    We’re #1 in Australia for grads for undergraduate starting salaries

    Our grads earn a median salary of $64,100.

    *Good Universities Guide 2022/23

    Career opportunities

    A Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) can open the doors to diverse, rewarding career options.

    Work in public and private schools

    As a secondary school teacher, you could work professionally as a classroom teacher, executive teacher, principal or assistant principal.

    Explore overseas opportunities

    Want to see the world? Teaching qualifications can lead to employment in a variety of settings around the globe.

    Enjoy many careers options

    High school teachers are also employed in other industries, including public administration and safety, healthcare and social assistance.

    What you will study

    For each 8-point subject you are enrolled in, you should expect to spend 10 to 12 hours per week working on assignments and assigned readings, tutorial assistance, individual or group research/study, forum activity, workplace learning, and attending lectures, intensive schools, or examinations. If you are studying four subjects per session, this is equivalent to a full-time job. The workload for some subjects may vary as a result of approved course design.

    Intensive school

    Online students may need to attend an online or on campus intensive school for certain subjects. Intensive schools offer face-to-face or virtual lectures, tutorials and practicals to give you a deeper understanding of your subject content.

    NOTE: Initial teacher education students are required to pass both components of the personal Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) as part of the accreditation requirements of this course and before commencement of the final professional experience placement. Further information about the LANTITE including how to register can be found on the LANTITE website of

    The course consists of sixteen education subjects comprising:

    - Twelve Core subjects (Foundation Education subjects and Professional Experience subjects) plus;
    - Four Restricted Elective subjects (from the Curriculum Studies subjects and Education Elective subjects).

    The subjects required to be completed depends on the number of approved Teaching Areas as outlined in the letter of offer. This will include at least two curriculum method subjects for each approved Teaching Area.

    Students entering the course with less than the maximum credit package (64 points) must complete an additional teaching discipline subject depending on their discipline background. The subjects required to complete depends on number of approved Teaching Areas (refer to letter of offer).

    Note: Students who have HSIE/HASS and/or Science as a Teaching Area and have two specialisations within the Teaching Area need to complete three curriculum method subjects.
    The maximum credit package is 64 points. Students entering the course with less than 64 points must complete additional discipline subject/s depending on their teaching area, and/or a third curriculum method subject for those with two HASS/HSIE teaching areas or two Science teaching areas and a third additional teaching area in another discipline area (e.g. English or Mathematics), or two teaching discipline subjects.

    If students require additional discipline subjects (maximum of two) to meet NESA accreditation requirements to be eligible for their First Teaching Area then the following credit package will apply:

    EDU40C Entry Level Discipline Credit - 56 credit points (indicating 1 further discipline content subject is required to be eligible for First Teaching Area)
    EDU39C Entry Level Discipline Credit - 48 subject points (indicating 2 further discipline content subjects are required to be eligible for First Teaching Area)

    Credit package

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    The maximum credit package is 64 points. Students entering the course with less than 64 points must complete additional discipline subject/s depending on their teaching area, and/or a third curriculum method subject for those with two HASS/HSIE teaching areas or two Science teaching areas and a third additional teaching area in another discipline area (e.g. English or Mathematics), or two teaching discipline subjects. If students require additional discipline subjects (maximum of two) to meet NESA accreditation requirements to be eligible for their First Teaching Area then the following credit package will apply: EDU40C Entry Level Discipline Credit - 56 credit points (indicating 1 further discipline content subject is required to be eligible for First Teaching Area) EDU39C Entry Level Discipline Credit - 48 subject points (indicating 2 further discipline content subjects are required to be eligible for First Teaching Area)
    EDU42CEntry Level Discipline Credit64 credit pts
    EDU40CEntry Level Discipline Credit56 credit pts
    EDU39CEntry Level Discipline Credit48 credit pts

    Core subjects96 Credit Points

    Foundational Education subjects80 Credit Points

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    EED408Successful Teaching8 credit pts
    EED422Adolescent Learning and Development8 credit pts
    EEE315Aligning Learning, Teaching and Assessment 8 credit pts
    EEP424Pedagogies in Diverse Classrooms8 credit pts
    EEP425Critical Studies in Education and Practice8 credit pts
    EEA406Managing the Classroom Environment8 credit pts
    EEB435Indigenous Australian Studies for Teachers8 credit pts
    EEB446Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Cultural Education Program0 credit pts
    ESS419Principles of Inclusive Education8 credit pts
    ELN402Literacy Strategies for Learning8 credit pts
    ESC407Classroom Technologies8 credit pts

    Professional Experience subjects16 Credit Points

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    It is an accreditation requirement for the final professional experience placement to be completed in Australia.
    EPT460Professional Experience 1: Secondary Context8 credit pts
    EPT462Final Professional Experience: Consolidating practice in the Secondary Context 8 credit pts

    Curriculum Method subjects

    Complete both curriculum methods for each approved teaching area Note: Students with two HASS/HSIE specialisms or two Science specialisms and a third additional teaching area in another discipline area (e.g. English or Mathematics) will need to complete the third subject (EMH410 or EMS408) by enrolling in the Bachelor of Educational Studies.

    Agriculture 16 Credit Points

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    Compulsory for students enrolled in the 1420AG Program Code
    EMT441Curriculum Method: Agriculture8 credit pts
    EMT446Curriculum Method: Technologies8 credit pts

    Drama16 Credit Points

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    EML443Curriculum Method 1: Drama8 credit pts
    EML444Curriculum Method 2: Drama8 credit pts

    Design and Technology16 Credit Points

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    EMT447Design and Digital Technologies Curriculum8 credit pts
    EMT445Curriculum Method: Design and Technology8 credit pts

    English16 Credit Points

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    EML441Curriculum Method 1: English8 credit pts
    EML442Curriculum Method 2: English8 credit pts

    HASS/HSIE16 Credit Points

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    Students with one HASS/HSIE specialism complete two curriculum methods subjects: EMH441 EMH442 Students with two HASS/HSIE specialisms must complete three curriculum method subjects: EMH441 EMH442 EMH410
    EMH441Curriculum Method 1: HASS/HSIE8 credit pts
    EMH442Curriculum Method 2: HASS/HSIE8 credit pts
    EMH410Curriculum Method: Senior HASS8 credit pts

    Information Technology16 Credit Points

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    EMT443Curriculum Method 1: Information Technology8 credit pts
    EMT444Curriculum Method 2: Information Technology8 credit pts

    Languages16 Credit Points

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    EML451LOTE Curriculum Studies 18 credit pts
    EML452LOTE Curriculum Studies 28 credit pts

    Mathematics16 Credit Points

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    EMM441Curriculum Method 1: Mathematics8 credit pts
    EMM442Curriculum Method 2: Mathematics8 credit pts

    PDHPE16 Credit Points

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    EMR441Curriculum Method 1: Health and Physical Education and Outdoor Education8 credit pts
    EMR442Curriculum Method 2: Senior Health, Physical and Outdoor Education8 credit pts

    Science 16 Credit Points

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    Students with one Science specialism complete two curriculum methods subjects: EMS441 EMS442 Students with two Science specialisms must complete three curriculum method subjects: EMS441 EMS442 EMS408
    EMS441Curriculum Method 1: Science8 credit pts
    EMS442Curriculum Method 2: Science8 credit pts
    EMS408Curriculum Method: Senior Science8 credit pts

    Technology and Applied Studies16 Credit Points

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    EMT410Curriculum Method: Technology Studies8 credit pts
    EMT446Curriculum Method: Technologies8 credit pts

    Visual Art16 Credit Points

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    EMA441Curriculum Method 1: Visual Arts8 credit pts
    EMA442Curriculum Method 2: Visual Arts8 credit pts

    Restricted electives

    • Intensive school
    • Workplace learning
    Students with one teaching area complete two subjects from the list below or as approved by the Course Director. Students with two approved Teaching Areas do not complete subjects from the list below. Students with two HASS/HSIE or Science specialisms complete the third curriculum method subject (EMH442/EMH410 or EMS442/EMS408) and only one subject from the list below. For students interested in employment in Christian-centred and/or faith schools, the following THL subject options are available. Note: THL subjects may be offered annually or biannually. For more information contact the School of Theology.
    EML436The Multimodal Writing Process8 credit pts
    ESC413Online Pedagogies8 credit pts
    ESS422Assessment and Evaluation for Learning8 credit pts
    ESS426Collaboration and Teamwork in the Inclusive School8 credit pts
    IKC403Critical Studies: Indigenous Australian Cultures, Histories and Contemporary Realities8 credit pts
    IKC404Critical Studies: Indigenous Australians and the Politics of Control8 credit pts
    IKC405Indigenous Australians and Criminal Justice8 credit pts
    IKC406Indigenous Social Work Policy and Practice8 credit pts
    WEL407Working alongside children and young people in Indigenous Australian communities8 credit pts
    THL408Introduction to Old Testament Studies8 credit pts
    THL409Introduction to New Testament Studies8 credit pts
    THL460Introduction to Christian Theology8 credit pts
    THL487World Religions and Christian Theology8 credit pts
    THL490Christian Worship8 credit pts
    Curriculum areas

    Curriculum areas available in the course include agriculture, drama, design and technology, English, society and environment, information technology, LOTE, mathematics, PDHPE, science, teacher librarianship, and visual art.

    For enrolment pattern please refer to the handbook.

    Graduation requirements

    As a Charles Sturt University student, throughout your course you have a responsibility to continue to develop skills in English language, literacy and numeracy as appropriate to your discipline. This ongoing development will enable you to effectively participate in your course and graduate prepared to enter the workforce.

    The minimum requirements for graduation will be:

    • the satisfactory completion of the subjects (192 points) specified as meeting the requirements of the Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) within this course,  inclusive of credit packages granted upon admission
    • must  pass LANTITE
    • must obtain a Satisfactory (SY) grade for the following 1 x zero point subject:
      • EEB446 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communication Education Program


    Calculate my fee

    The section below is designed to allow you to select the option specific to your circumstances to discover the course fee and course offering information appropriate for you.

    Reset fee calculator

    How is this calculated?

    This is an estimate

    • Fees calculated based on 1 year of full-time study (ETSL).
    • Fees dependant on chosen subjects.
    • Subject to annual increase each year.

    Online Student Representative Committee Post-Graduate Scholarship

    Explore scholarships

    Entry requirements

    Supplementary application form

    When you submit your application for this course, you will need to submit the following questionnaire.
    You can find the teaching questionnaire here.

    Selection rank:


    Learn about how our selection ranks are calculated (including ATARs and adjustment factors).

    View the course profile for this course.

    Charles Sturt takes a holistic approach to understand each applicant’s potential for academic success. Each student is assessed on a range of factors including academic readiness, previous study, work and life experience, motivation to succeed, and awareness of the demands of tertiary study.

    Applicants for the Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) must meet the following admission requirements to be assessed:

    1. Completion of a relevant undergraduate degree (and, if applicable, appropriate postgraduate studies [AQF Levels 8-10]) that includes at least a major study in one secondary teaching area of the secondary school curriculum.
    2. A Major Study is study undertaken for an equivalent to a total of three-quarters of a year of full time higher education study (0.75 EFTSL), usually comprising sequential discipline study undertaken over three years. In most programs, this equates to at least six units with no more than two at first year level and no fewer than two at third year level.

    Charles Sturt takes a holistic approach to understand each applicant's potential for academic success. Each student is assessed on a range of factors including academic readiness, previous study, work and life experience, motivation to succeed, and an awareness of the demands of tertiary study.

    Students are assessed and need to enter with a first teaching area (major) and may have additional teaching areas/specialisations that can be first teaching areas (major) or second teaching area (minor). Teaching areas must be approved by Course Director.

    Technology and Applied Studies (TAS) can be approved as a Teaching Area. It is recommended that students have a First Teaching Area and can then be assessed to add a TAS specialisation. These Teaching Areas include; Engineering Studies, Food Technology, Graphics & Multimedia, Industrial Technology and Textiles Technology.

    Teacher Librarian can be approved as an additional Teaching Area only. Students must have a First Teaching Area and can be assessed to add Teacher Librarianship if an approved ALIA Course has been completed. Note: Students should check with future employment sector about employment positions and opportunities.

    Any students wanting to have Music as a Teaching Area can have this assessed to be an approved Teaching Area.

    Note: The Graduate Entry Bachelor of Teaching Secondary Course Accreditation requirement, requires final professional experience placement to be completed in Australia.

    English Language Proficiency Standard English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements

    This will apply to both domestic and international applicants. Offer may be conditional on ELP but applicants will be required to provide evidence of meeting these requirements before the start of studies. Students must meet one of the following criteria:

    • A minimum overall Academic IELTS score of 7.5 (with no score below 7 in reading and writing, and a score of no less than 8 in speaking and listening) or a qualification deemed equivalent. Testing results must be obtained within two years from the date of your application for admission.
    • International Second Language Proficiency Rating (ISLPR) with a score of Level 4 in all four skill areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing, undertaken at approved testing sites where the assessment is teacher focused. Testing results must be within two years from the date of your application for admission.
    • Completion of at least a three year bachelor degree; studied in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, USA or United Kingdom. This qualification must have been taught and assessed in English.

    Credit and pathways

    If you’ve completed relevant tertiary study, or work experience related to your course, you could receive credit towards your degree. Which would mean completing your qualification quicker. Find out how to apply for credit and see our credit policy.

    Check your eligibility for credit

    We also have several admission pathways to help you take the step into your preferred course, even if you don't quite meet the entry requirements at first. Find out what admission pathways are available to you.

    How to apply

    Applying to Charles Sturt University is easy. Choose how you want to apply below, or get in touch with Charles Sturt University and we can help you with your application.

    Apply via UAC

    Important dates

    Refer to key dates on the UAC website

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    Refer to key dates on the VTAC website

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    Apply directly to Charles Sturt

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    Check out our direct application closing dates

    Check out our direct application closing dates

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    Flexibility was important when working full-time and studying part-time. All the information Charles Sturt gives you is actually relevant and because it is regional there's more teaching opportunities because teaching opportunities are quite vast especially for high school.

    Glenn Dumbrell - Charles Sturt Secondary Teaching Graduate
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