Graduate Certificate in Agricultural Business Management

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There are no upcoming offerings for the year 2025.
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This course has no international offering.

Gain a solid foundation for your agribusiness career with the Graduate Certificate in Agricultural Business Management from Charles Sturt University. Extending your understanding of business, management and finance, this course provides further learning or professional development for those at any point in the agricultural supply chain.

Start small and build your degree. You can study the Graduate Certificate in Agricultural Business Management as a standalone course, or progress to the Master of Agricultural Science (with specialisations).

Now even more affordable: save on your fees with a Commonwealth supported place (CSP) when you start in 2024. A CSP also means you can apply for a HECS-HELP loan to pay for your studies and defer repayment until you earn above a certain amount. Check the 'Fees' section to see how much you can save with a CSP.

This course is part of an articulated program of study. Articulated programs allow you to build on your study to achieve the right level of qualification for you.

    Make a difference

    At Charles Sturt you can create a world worth living in. Let's do it together.

    Key information

    Study mode and sessions

    Next session start: July 14, 2025
    Session 1 : March 3, 2025
    Session 2 : July 14, 2025


    Minimum time - 0.5 year(s)
    Maximum time - 1 year(s)

    Entry score


    Indicative fees

    Domestic online
    Commonwealth grant scheme (CGS):

    Full fee - $8,496.00

    Course points and codes

    Credit Points: 32
    AQF: Level 8

    Additional information

    • Commonwealth supported places available

    Postgrad study just got a whole lot more affordable. Save up to 52 per cent with a Commonwealth supported place (CSP). Limited places available.

    Why study with us?

    Charles Sturt's agricultural business management degree provides a strong overview of the responsible management of agricultural businesses, and will develop your skills in business, management and finance.

    Strong academic reputation

    Charles Sturt has been producing dynamic, committed graduates in agricultural business management for 35 years, building a reputation as a leading provider of agriculture and business management education. Our academics have extensive experience in private sector agribusiness management and international research. Our commercial farming operations and hundreds of real-world agribusinesses on our campuses' doorsteps support the course content.

    Skills for today's industry

    Building on your previous experience, this degree equips you with knowledge and skills needed to succeed in an industry that is highly competitive and must be responsive to change. You'll develop business management skills that you can apply in any agricultural context.

    Online convenience

    Available for full-time or part-time online study, this course is designed and delivered with flexibility in mind. You can upgrade your qualifications while continuing to work, adding immediate value to your organisation.

    5-star uni for business postgraduate salaries.

    Our grads earn a median salary of $96,000.

    *Good Universities Guide 2022/23

    Career opportunities

    With more than 40 per cent of roles in the agriculture sector located in cities and four jobs for every agriculture graduate, you can be sure that our Graduate Certificate in Agricultural Business Management will open up diverse opportunities in Australia and across the world. You could take up management positions in agribusiness, government or non-government organisations, or use your skills to operate or launch a successful business. Possible roles include farm business facilitator, business improvement specialist and agricultural consultant.

      What you will study

      For each 8-point subject you are enrolled in, you should expect to spend 10 to 12 hours per week working on assignments and assigned readings, tutorial assistance, individual or group research/study, forum activity, workplace learning, and attending lectures, intensive schools, or examinations. If you are studying four subjects per session, this is equivalent to a full-time job. The workload for some subjects may vary as a result of approved course design.

      Intensive school

      Online students may need to attend an online or on campus intensive school for certain subjects. Intensive schools offer face-to-face or virtual lectures, tutorials and practicals to give you a deeper understanding of your subject content.

      Core subjects24 Credit Points

      • Intensive school
      • Workplace learning
      AGB410Agricultural Marketing8 credit pts
      AGB533Agribusiness Management8 credit pts
      AGB550International Agriproduct Trade8 credit pts

      Restricted Elective8 Credit Points

      • Intensive school
      • Workplace learning
      Select one restricted elective from the following:
      XRT008Restricted elective8 credit pts
      AGB450Agricultural Business Risk and Investment8 credit pts
      AHT404Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation8 credit pts
      ENM443Resilience Thinking and Ecologically Sustainable Development8 credit pts
      GEO503Climatology8 credit pts
      HRM502Human Resource Management8 credit pts
      IKC403Critical Studies: Indigenous Australian Cultures, Histories and Contemporary Realities8 credit pts
      MGT501Contemporary Management8 credit pts
      MGT510Strategy and Planning8 credit pts
      MGT552Leadership and Social Impact8 credit pts
      MGT553Project Management8 credit pts
      MGT580Forecasting and Risk Assessment8 credit pts
      MGT584Leadership in Teams8 credit pts
      PSC406Summer Cropping System8 credit pts
      PSC420Water Policy and Management8 credit pts
      PSC424Advanced Plant Protection8 credit pts
      SPA431GIS 1: Geographic Information Science Foundations8 credit pts
      SPA441Remote Sensing 1: Image Data8 credit pts
      For enrolment pattern please refer to the handbook.

      Graduation requirements

      As a Charles Sturt University student, throughout your course you have a responsibility to continue to develop skills in English language, literacy and numeracy as appropriate to your discipline. This ongoing development will enable you to effectively participate in your course and graduate prepared to enter the workforce.


      Calculate my fee

      The section below is designed to allow you to select the option specific to your circumstances to discover the course fee and course offering information appropriate for you.

      Reset fee calculator

      How is this calculated?

      This is an estimate

      • Fees calculated based on 1 year of full-time study (ETSL).
      • Fees dependant on chosen subjects.
      • Subject to annual increase each year.


      We have scholarships and grants, totalling over $11 million annually!

      They cover various areas such as academic performance, volunteering, sports achievements, community service, specific courses, on-campus living and individuals in unique circumstances.

      Explore scholarships

      Entry requirements

      Selection rank:


      Learn about how our selection ranks are calculated (including ATARs and adjustment factors).

      View the course profile for this course.

      • A completed Bachelors Degree (or equivalent) in a relevant discipline from a University or other tertiary education provider.
      • Agribusiness professional experience of at least 3 years.
      • Minimum CSU English Language Proficiency requirements apply.

      Standard English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements apply.  Click here to view the specific international course entry requirements.

      Credit and pathways

      If you’ve completed relevant tertiary study, or work experience related to your course, you could receive credit towards your degree. Which would mean completing your qualification quicker. Find out how to apply for credit and see our credit policy.

      Check your eligibility for credit

      We also have several admission pathways to help you take the step into your preferred course, even if you don't quite meet the entry requirements at first. Find out what admission pathways are available to you.

      How to apply

      Applying to Charles Sturt University is easy. Choose how you want to apply below, or get in touch with Charles Sturt University and we can help you with your application.

      Apply via UAC

      Important dates

      Refer to key dates on the UAC website

      Apply through UAC
      Apply via VTAC

      Important dates

      Refer to key dates on the VTAC website

      Apply through VTAC
      Apply directly to Charles Sturt

      Important dates

      Check out our direct application closing dates

      Check out our direct application closing dates

      Check out our direct application closing dates

      Apply direct
      This page displays sessions, study modes and locations for the selected year. Please note course content is the latest approved and is subject to change. See full legal terms